Tyragetia (Oct 2015)
The Anglo-Ukrainian project “Early urbanism in prehistoric Europe?” sends its travelling exhibition to Chişinău / Proiectul anglo-ucrainean „Urbanismul timpuriu în Europa preistorică?” aduce expoziţia itinerantă la Chişinău
The AHRC-funded Anglo-Ukrainian Project ”Early urbanism in prehistoric Europe?: the case of the Tripillia mega-sites“ (2012-2016) is a joint project organized between Durham University (Professor John Chapman) and The Kiev Institute of Archaeology (Dr. Mikhail Yu. Videiko). The international travelling exhibition which has now arrived in Chisinau has already been on display in Ukraine (Kirovograd Historical Museum) and Bulgaria (Varna rchaeological Museum) and will then travel to Hungary (Eötvös Lórand University, Budapest) and Germany (Kiel University) before reaching home in England (Durham University) in April 2016.