Khizanah al-Hikmah (Jun 2017)
Hubungan Pola Baca Mahasiswa dengan Prestasi Akademik
Pola baca mahasiswa dalam realita saat ini masih ada 2 (dua) tipe, yakni tipe kebut semalam dan bertahap. Sementara sistem belajar mengajar mengalami perubahan, yakni dari TCL (Teching Centre Learning) menjadi SCL (Student Centre Learning), di mana mahasiswa dituntut belajar mandiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan = untuk mengetahui hubungan prestasi akademik mahasiswa dengan pola baca. Artikel ini merupakakan hasil penelitian eksperimen (N=37). Teknik analysis data dengan menggunakan statistika deskriptif, yakni analisis Chi-Square. Adapun hasil penelitian yaitu, pertama, diketahui Chi-square hitung = 4.51; Jika α = 0.10; dk=4; makaChi-square tabel = 7.78; artinya Hipotesis: ditolak. Kedua, diketahui Chi-square hitung = 8.52; Jika α = 0.10; dk=4; makaChi-square tabel = 7.78; artinya Hipotesis: diterima. Kesimpulan penelitian yaitu, team work pengajaran yang konsisten akan memiliki peluang pada capaian prestasi akademik mahasiswa. Sebaliknya team work pengajaran yang tak konsisten akan berpengaruh terhadap prestasi akademik mahasiswa. ABSTRACT Reading pattern of an undergraduate student in reality still there are two types, i.e. type “Cram (Sistem Kebut Semalam)” and gradually. The current system of learning in higher education has been transformed from a system of TCL (Teaching Centre Learning) into SCL (Student Learning Centre), who demanded the students can study independently. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of academic achievement of students with the reading pattern. The method of research used experiment (N = 37). Analysis of the method used is descriptive statistics, namely the Chi-Square analysis.The first research results: Chi-square count = 4.51; If α = 0.10; DF = 4; then the Chi-square table = 7.78; This means that the hypothesis is rejected. The second research results: Chi-square = count 8.52; If α = 0.10; DF = 4; then the Chi-square table = 7.78; This means that the hypothesis is accepted. The conclusion of this research is the consistent teaching team will have an opportunity at the close of student academic achievement. Instead of team teaching is not consistently will have an effect on student academic achievement