Український гідрометеорологічний журнал (Nov 2015)
Wavelet and multifractal analysis of the nonlinear structures in chaotic processes for hydroecological systems
This paper goes on our investigations of the fractal structures in the chaotic and turbulent processes and connected with a great importance the experimental and theoretical studying of the non-linear dynamical systems with aim to discover the fractal features and elements of dynamical chaos. In this paper on the basis of wavelet analysis and multifractal formalism it is carried out an analysis of fractal structures in the chaotic processes (the time series of the nitrates concentrations in the Small Carpathians river’s watersheds Svidnik-Ondrava in the Earthen Slovakia) and the spectrum of the fractal dimensions has been computed. It is carried out numerical modelling and fulfilled a comparison of theoretical data with the earlier received estimates on the basis of other fractal formalism algorithm.