AIP Advances (May 2018)
Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of HoCo3B2 compound
A sample of HoCo3B2 compound was synthesized, and the magnetic and MCE properties were investigated. Compound shows a change corresponding to R-R (R = rare earth) sublattice magnetic order transition and the transition temperature is determined to be 11.8 K (TC). The characteristic of Arrott plots with positive slope around TC was observed, indicating a second-order phase transition. Based on isothermal magnetization data, together with Maxwell’s relationship, the magnetic entropy change (-ΔSM) was calculated. The maximum -ΔSM reaches 7.8, 12.7 and 14.4 J/kg K for field range of 0-2 T, 0-5 T and 0-7 T, respectively. Accordingly, the value of RC (refrigerant capacity) is 99, 289 and 432 J/kg for above field ranges. The large MCE of HoCo3B2 compound indicates its potential application for magnetic refrigeration in low temperature range.