تحقیقات جنگل و صنوبر ایران (Mar 2000)
Study of site quatity of Caucasian Alder (Alnus subcordala C. A. MeY.) in the Caspian Region (west of Mazandaran province)
In order to determine the site quqlity on pure and even- age stands of alnus subcordata, 56 sample plots of 500 m² area were selected in different diameter (age) classes and all of trees were studied in sample plots. Site index curves, based on dominant height/diameter(age) were complied for Caucasian alder.Numbre of trees varies from 82 to 1640 stem per hectare in differekt diameter (age) classes.The standing volume with 60 cm mean diameter breast height is estimated up to 720 m³/h. Height of dominant trees on the dominant diameter (age) with 35 cm at breast height differs from a lower limit of 20 and an upper limit of 32 meter.