Dinamika Rekayasa (Aug 2008)
Abu Terbang (Fly Ash) Sebagai Bahan Tambah Untuk Meningkatkan Kuat Tekan Bata Beton (Paving Block)
This research was aimed to know the influence of fly ash addition at paving block stress strength. Variation of fly ash was 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% from weight of cement with water cement ratio 0,25. The speciment was hexagonal and cube with the comparison 1 cement : 6 sand. The result showed that the stress strength of hexagonal paving block at 56 days with fly ash 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% was increase to 37,166% (7,057 MPa), 18,248% (3,465 MPa), 8.110% (1,54 MPa), and 14,193% (2,695 MPa). The cubic paving block at 56 days with fly ash 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% was increase to 35,932% (5,969 MPa),15,135% (2,514 MPa), 9,534% (1,584 MPa), and 8,318% (1,382 MPa).