Бюллетень Почвенного института им. В.В. Докучаева (Nov 2015)

Contribution OF I.P. Gerasimov to the investigations of soils and ecology in “the coldest region of the world”

  • R. V. Desyatkin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 81
pp. 71 – 90


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As early, as in 1952, Academician I.P. Gerasimov published a paper entitled “Recent imprints of Late-Glacial phenomena near the coldest region of the world” in the journal “Annals of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, ser. Geography”; the paper was based on his observations during his visit to Central Yakutia. The paper was rather short, although it contained new ideas on paleogeographic events and pedogenesis in a very peculiar land, which is quite near to the coldest region of the Earth; it was very important for the further development of research concerning geography and soil cover there. The central Yakutian Plain was regarded by Innokentiy Petrovich as a very interesting paleogeographic relic in the geological history; owing to its geographic location and specific evolution, it preserved many remnants of fantastic landscapes of the past until nowadays, in other areas they were deleted by time. In this article, the role of the outstanding geographer and soil scientist Academician I.P. Gerasimov in the development of ideas on distinctive pedogenesis and soil types inherent to the region with severe climate and continuous permafrost is discussed basing on the results of research performed by Yakutian pedologists in 1949-2015. The pedogenetic and geographic conceptual background enabled the great scientist to perceive the paleogeographic essence and the major features of nature of this extensive region, as well as the attitude of people to the fragile northern environment. Basing on the knowledge of specific cryogenic landscapes he declared the necessity of an extremely careful attitude to the environment. Unfortunately, the advanced views of the outstanding naturalist did not receive sufficient attention, and this may be the reason of essential current transformations of the Central Yakutia nature.
