Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Sep 2015)

КОНЦЕПЦІЯ АНТРОПОЦЕНТРИЗМУ В НЕКЛАСИЧНІЙ ФІЛОСОФІЇ / The concept of anthropocentrism in the non-classical philosophy

  • Скакун Ігор

Journal volume & issue
no. 3(7)
pp. 46 – 51


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Скакун Игорь. Концепция антропоцентризма в неклассической философии. В работе исследуется мировоззренческий и методологический потенциал антропоцентризма и его реализация в динамике парадигм человекомерности научного знания. Раскрывается суть идеи человекомерности и принципа антропоцентризма, формы их актуализации в постклассической парадигме знания. Ключевые слова: антропологизация, антропоцентризм, человек, методология, научная картина мира. Skakun Ihor. THE CONCEPT OF ANTHROPOCENTRISM IN THE NONCLASSICAL PHILOSOPHY. In the paper the ideological and methodological potential of anthropocentrism and its implementation in the dynamics of human dimensional paradigms of scientific knowledge is argued. The author reveals the essence of the idea of personality and principle of anthropocentrism, shapes their actualization in postclassical paradigms of knowledge. The concept of anthropocentrism became an independent philosophical concept, according to which man is the center and purpose of world creation. Anthropocentrism in non-classical philosophy outlined the importance of the qualitative change in the methodological approach of philosophical understanding of man. It should be emphasized that man-restructuring concept was only potential, as factors of its implementation (as it was in post-non-classical period) to the just formed. Thinkers’ ideas of the transition period (from classic to non-classic) and the ideas of thinkers formed a new era of post-non-classical objectivistic and subjectivist concepts of man. Awareness of the problem of man as the central philosophical subjects helped to change scientific understanding of human dimensional constants. An attempt was made to move from philosophical objectivism to subjectivism, from the outside, objectively caused to the subject, the real entity. In the controversy with speculative metaphysics and traditional philosophy of abstract rationalist objectivism became an emerging trend of Western thought in terms of anthropological orientation: phenomenology, personalism, existentialism, philosophical anthropology etc. Metaphysics and objectivistic conception of man were challenged and replaced with contemporary philosophical systems. The process of antropolohization acquired an open form in all senses. Keywords: anthropologization, anthropocentrism, man, methodology, science, scientific world picture.
