The European Journal of Humour Research (Oct 2020)
Book review: Hrisztova-Gotthardt, Hrisztalina; T. Litovkina, Anna; Barta, Péter; Vargha, Katalin (2018). Anti-proverbs today: a comparative linguistic analysis of five languages [A közmondásferdítések ma: Öt nyelv antiproverbiumainak nyelvészeti vizsgálata]. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó.
In the present book, the authors deal not only with traditional, well-known proverbs, but mostly with their modified versions, anti-proverbs. Anti-proverbs permeate all aspects of our lives and appear in a broad range of generic contexts. Although the alterations of proverbs are as old as proverbs themselves, their proliferation resulting from the rapid development of media is now faster than ever.