Teras Jurnal: Jurnal Teknik Sipil (Oct 2021)
Abstrak Indonesia merupakan negara yang rentan terhadap bencana gempa bumi. Banyak rumah atau gedung di Indonesia dibangun dengan menggunakan material beton bertulang. Kerusakan geser pada elemen beton bertulang tersebut sangat berbahaya, hal ini dikarenakan kerusakan ini terjadi secara tiba-tiba dan biasanya terjadi secara eksplosif. Analisis nonlinier elemen hingga tiga dimensi balok beton memadat mandiri dan beton mutu tinggi dengan pemadatan mekanis dilakukan dengan software MSC Marc/Mentat. Baja dimodelkan dengan tertanam di beton. Kriteria kegagalan Linier Mohr-Coulomb digunakan untuk beton dan Von Mises untuk baja tulangan. Hasil kurva hubungan beban-lendutan untuk kedua balok beton memadat mandiri dan beton mutu tinggi pemadatan mekanis hampir sama dengan hasil kurva eksperimen di daerah elastic, namun setelah melewati fase elastik, kurva analisis berbeda sedikit dengan kurva eksperimen. Hasil analisis teoritis kekuatan beton hampir sama dengan hasil analisis elemen hingga balok beton tanpa tulangan. Hasil analisis kontak juga memperlihatkan terjadi kontak dan perlepasan pada bidang kontak baja tumpuan beban dan tumpuan balok dengan beton. Kata kunci: beton memadat mandiri, mutu tinggi, elemen hingga, MSC Marc/Mentat Abstract Indonesia is a country that is prone to earthquakes. Many houses or buildings in Indonesia are built using reinforced concrete material. Shear damage to reinforced concrete elements is very dangerous, because this damage occurs suddenly and usually occurs explosively. The nonlinear three-dimensional finite element analysis of self-compacting concrete beam and high strength concrete beam by mechanical compaction were carried out using the MSC Marc/Mentat software. Steel is modeled by being embedded in concrete. The Mohr-Coulomb Linear failure criterion is used for concrete and Von Mises for reinforcing steel. The results of the load- deflection curves for both self-compacting and mechanical compaction high-strength concrete beams are almost the same as those of the experimental curves in the elastic area, after elasticity, the analysis curve differs slightly from the experimental curve. The results of the theoretical analysis of the strength of the concrete are almost the same as the results of the analysis of the finite element concrete beams without reinforcement. The results of the contact analysis also showed that there was contact and detachment in the contact area of the load bearing steel and the beam support with the concrete. Keywords: self-compacting concrete, high strength, finite element, MSC Marc/Mentat