MedUNAB (Aug 2005)
Prevalence of use of condom at their first sexual intercourse among adolescents at the City of Santa Marta, Colombia: agender difference
The use of condoms is very important for the prevention of sexually transmissible infections and unwanted pregnancies. The prevalence of condom use for their first sexual intercourse was unknown among students from the City of Santa Marta, Colombia. Objective: To determine the prevalence of condom use at their first sexual relationship among adolescent students at the City of Santa Marta. Method: A survey about sexual behavior was applied. Two hundred twenty three subjects, 13 to 17 years of age reported sexual intercourse, 46 girls and 177 boys. Multivariate analysis was done with gender stratification. Results: The prevalence of condom use at their first sexual intercourse was 38.6% (95%CI 35.3-41.9); not difference for male gender was found (PR 0.75, 95%CI 0.47-1.20). Among male, being older at time of their first sexual relationship (OR 0.57, 95%CI 0.42-0.75) and studying at private schoosl (OR 0.34, 95%CI 0.16-0.71) was associated with the use of condom at their first sexual intercourse. But, for girls no variable was related to the use of condom at their first sexual intercourse. Conclusions: About of one out of three students used condom at their first sexual intercourse. For boys, being older at time of their first relationship and studying at private school was a protective factor; instead for girls all investigated variables were not related among them. Further investigations are needed in this subject, due to the impact of the use of condoms among adolescents as it has implications in public health.