International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery (Jul 2020)

National Approach in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Iran

  • Tayebe Pourghaznein,
  • Sina Salati

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 3
pp. 275 – 276


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Since the outbreak of the New Corona Virus in Wuhan, China and its spreading to Iran, first casesof COVID-19 positive were identified in Qom, Iran and in a short period of time many other mainprovinces including Isfahan, Tehran, Markazi, and Semnan were also infected with the virus shortlyafter that in all 31 provinces the virus spread.1 Super Spreading power of this disease is the reasonwhy we have many infected people daily and according to global epidemiological information, thenumber of infected people will reach to 74877 in April 15,2020.2 like many other countries, Iran startedmedical and hygienic measures with the establishment of a National committee for fighting CoronaVirus. Our country imposed limited commuting to religious, recreational places and trading centers,closed schools and universities, decreased working hours, and cleaned crowded areas and passagewayswith disinfectants (subway stations, bus stations, and gas stations). Other efforts include: Establishingoutposts in order to identify cases of Corona Virus at City entrances and Telephone screening through4030"that is a hotline for COVID-19 detection and providing relevant health information1." Despite thenecessary precautions taken, there were problems in fighting the Corona Disease, the most importantof which include: Insufficiency regarding personal protective equipment like masks, disinfectants andhospital gowns,3 Inadequate number of hospital beds and equipment in some of the cities and shortageof health workers. This issue has caused a high concern in the society and amongst the health workerswho take care of Corona virus cases in hospitals. Also, due to the experienced mental disorders ofthe health care workers while COVID-19 outbreak,4 the role of such shortages in the fight against thisdisease is crucial. In a situation like this where the number of infected people shoots up, hygienic needsof Iran increases, too. A new trend in fighting the disease has begun. In this trend, different groups ofpeople like clerics and cleric students, Basij, medical and non-medical students have taken measuresin fighting the Corona Virus which are in line with the World health organization and Ministry ofHealth and Medical Education standards. These measures are taken in 4 general areas, including:1. disinfecting the pssageways (Streets, Alleys), highly populated areas (Trading Centers, Bus andSubway stations, Gas stations) and vehicles, 2. producing personal protective equipment (Masks, faceshields, gowns and disinfectants), 3. helping with the Telephone Screening by Medical students, and4. Volunteer medical students participation in health care centers and hospitals.Now, despite the exigent circumstances regarding the spread of COVID-19 worldwide,volunteer measures and organized activities in Iran have led to provision of telephone screeninginformation and details about the COVID-19 to more than 65 million people until March 31, 2020;5and production of thousands of hygienic products daily has had a significant role in controllingand fighting the Corona Virus Pandemic. Although in the early period of the virus outbreak,Iran was the third country to have the most cases of Corona positive cases after China and Koreauntil 2nd of March, and the number of identified cases increased in April 15, 2020 which mightbe due to the efficient and comprehensive screening process, it became the 8th country with themost positive cases of Corona after the United States, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, England,and China.2 It is also expected that with adequate health equipment, specialized human resourcesand provision of scientific information to the community, the public and health workers who takecare of Corona virus cases will have tranquility.Therefore, Iran’s approach towards facing the COVID-19 clearly states the fact that nationalapproach in fighting the Corona Virus is an important factor among other measures taken and itis mentioned as a modern approach in managing a health crisis in a large scale.
