Rodriguésia ()
An overview of recent taxonomic studies on Euphorbiaceae s.l. in Brazil
The Euphorbiaceae sensu lato are distributed mainly in the tropics, in various types of vegetation and habitats, being one of the largest, most complex and diverse families of angiosperms. It has recently been divided into four families, according to classification systems based on molecular phylogeny: Euphorbiaceae sensu stricto, Phyllanthaceae, Putranjivaceae, and Picrodendraceae. There is a proposition to establish Peraceae still under discussion. There were also changes in the taxonomic position of genera widely distributed in the Brazilian territory, such as Amanoa, Drypetes, Pera, Phyllanthus, Podocalyx, Pogonophora, and Richeria, among others. In addition, new species have been proposed and the limits of taxa distribution are expanding in Brazil. Thus, the authors provide an overview of recent studies and advances in the taxonomy of Euphorbiaceae s.l. in the Northern, Northeastern, Southeastern and Southern regions of Brazil, concentrating on review works and regional floras, as well as the changes that resulted in setting a new taxonomic family.