BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2023)
Effects of different salinity levels in topsoil on the growth, development and yield of winter wheat
In this article, winter wheat varieties “Andijan-2” and “Andijan-4” were fed with mineral fertilizers under the conditions of irrigated, salinized, light gray soils of different degrees of salinity in the Syrdarya region of Uzbekistan. Compared to the control option, the volume mass of the soil increased by 0.02-0.03 g/cm3, the porosity of the soil decreased to 0.4-1.2%, and the water permeability of the soil increased to 3.8-23.6 m3/ha. Depending on the level of salinity, it was found that 2.2-2.5 centners of additional grain yield was obtained between the open and cotton rows of “Andijon-2” and “Andijon-4” varieties of winter wheat on soils with different levels of salinity with mineral fertilizers at different rates. The standard of seasonal irrigation of winter wheat planted between open and cotton rows was 2850-3050 m3/ha, water consumption was 98.9 m3/ha in the open field without salinity, and 87.4 m3/ha in the field planted between cotton rows. In accordance with the above, it was 118.3 and 106.1 m3/ha in the field with low salinity, and 194.3 and 173.9 m3/ha in the medium salinity field. In the maintenance of winter wheat varieties “Andijon-2” and “Andijon-4” on soils with different degrees of salinity, compared to the non-saline field, the net profit was 105,992 UZS and the rate of profitability increased to 16.1%.