Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON) (Jul 2007)
The economic impact of EC procurement policy
The economic impact of the EC procurement policy is an important aspect of public procurement in the most areas of industry and agriculture. There exist some studies about the economic impact of the EC procurement policy. The first major study was the one commissioned by the European Commission and published in 1997 as a part of a broader evaluation of the European single market. This dealt with the period from 1987 when the directives were substantially revised, to 1994. In February 2004, the Commission published a new summary analysis of the economic impact of the EC rules covering the period 1995-2002. A report on the functioning of public procurement markets in the EU: benefits from the application of the EU directives and challenges for the future (EC 2004). This confirms a much greater importance of the indirect cross-border activity as compared with the direct cross-border binding activity, and also indicates that this form of trade in public markets has increased further. The above mentioned studies in relation to the Economic Impact of the EC procurement Policy are the object of this article.