Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta: Seria Matematica (Jun 2013)

Necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of the anisotropic Riesz potential in anisotropic modified Morrey spaces

  • Dzhabrailov Malik S.,
  • Khaligova Sevinc Z.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 2
pp. 111 – 130


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We prove that the anisotropic fractional maximal operator Mα,σ and the anisotropic Riesz potential operator Iα,σ, 0 < α < ∣σ∣ are bounded from the anisotropic modified Morrey space L̃1,b,σ(Rn) to the weak anisotropic modified Morrey space WL̃q,b,σ(Rn) if and only if, α/|σ|≤1-1/q≤α/(|σ|(1-b)) and from L̃p,b,σ(Rn) to L̃q,b,σ(Rn) if and only if, α/|σ| ≤ 1/p-1/q≤α ((1-b) |σ|). In the limiting case we prove that the operator Mα,σ is bounded from L̃p,b,σ(Rn) to L∞ (Rn) and the modified anisotropic Riesz potential operator Ĩα,σ is bounded from L̃p,b,σ(Rn) to BMOσ(Rn).
