Bulletin de l’Association de Géographes Français (Oct 2017)
L’outre-mer en marge, les marges de l’outre-mer
This paper proposes to approach the ultramarine margins of France under three different angles. First of all, its diversified statues, which reveal the variable marginality of DROM, COM and New Caledonia in relation to the nature of their institutional relationship with Metropolitan France. Currently engaged in a process of self-determination, New Caledonia is undoubtedly the most marginalized territory of the French Republic in the institutional sense. In a second time, we demonstrate that overseas France is on the margins of globalization due to the « umbilical cord » linking it with the Metropolis. Finally, we address the deep disparities existing within each ultramarine entity, especially in the case of multi-island territories. We will end with New Caledonia, where the issue of "rebalancing" is at the heart of its future.