Transactions on Combinatorics (Dec 2015)
A classification of finite groups with integral bi-Cayley graphs
The bi-Cayley graph of a finite group G with respect to a subset S⊆G , which is denoted by \BCay(G,S) , is the graph with vertex set G×{1,2} and edge set {{(x,1),(sx,2)}∣x∈G, s∈S} . A finite group G is called a \textit{bi-Cayley integral group} if for any subset S of G , \BCay(G,S) is a graph with integer eigenvalues. In this paper we prove that a finite group G is a bi-Cayley integral group if and only if G is isomorphic to one of the groups Z^k_2 , for some k, Z_3 or S_3 .