Fly (Oct 2018)
Localization and translation control of slam in Drosophila cellularization
In this extra view, we comment on our recent work concerning the mRNA localization of the gene slow as molasses (slam). slam is a gene essential for the polarized invagination of the plasma membrane and separation of basal and lateral cortical domains during cellularization as well as for germ cell migration in later embryogenesis. We have demonstrated an intimate relationship between slam RNA and its encoded protein. Slam RNA co-localizes and forms a complex with its encoded protein. Slam mRNA localization not only is required for reaching full levels of functional Slam protein but also depends on Slam protein. The translation of slam mRNA is subject to tight spatio-temporal regulation leading to a rapid accumulation of Slam protein and zygotic slam RNA at the furrow canal. In this extra view, we first discuss the mechanism controlling localization and translation of slam RNA. In addition, we document in detail the maternal and zygotic expression of slam RNA and protein and provide data for a function in membrane stabilization. Furthermore, we mapped the region of Slam protein mediating cortical localization in cultured cells.