Revista Ciência Agronômica (May 2024)
Stabilized Forage Guarantee System: defi ning a forage storage capacity to stabilize livestock production in vulnerable ecosystems
ABSTRACT Livestock production in semi-arid areas has been unpredictable due to climate variability, mainly rainfall. This study aims to simulate rangeland production variability affected by rainfall over time and relate it to an adjusted carrying capacity, using forage stock to maximize the potential of production of the system to a specifi c guarantee level. Regression analysis of forage biomass against rainfall was performed for ecological sites in the Brazilian semi-arid region to generate probability distribution curves for the historical rainfall for each location using Monte Carlo approach. Forage biomass variability estimated over time was used as input to the model. The system optimizes forage use at a sustainable stocking rate and uses forage surpluses in good years to fill defi cits during adverse years, due to a certain level of guarantee. As a rule, smallholder farmers would need to maintain a storage of around 1,500 kg ha-1 of DM of forage to maintain an adjusted carrying capacity of 0.11 animal units ha-1, with a guarantee of 95% in the long term, stressing the forage storage capacity as a central component of the model. Since farm size infl uences forage production capacity and mainly forage stock capacity, recommendations to cope with this paradigm are suggested.