Vìsnik Dnìpropetrovsʹkogo Unìversitetu: Serìâ Bìologìâ, Ekologìâ (Jan 2005)
Increase expression of cell adhesion molecule NCAM/CD56 in lymphocytes in patient artery disease
The purpose of an examination: to estimate character of changes neurospecific protein of cell ad-hesion NCAM/CD56 into lymphocyte membrane from the patients with idiopathic hypertensia with various variants of illness current. The results shown that the hypertensive patients have a rising of NCAM/CD56 content in membranous fraction of lymphocytes that is detected in comparison with practically healthy person. The greatest level is registered for group the patient with hypertension II stages with with manifestations DEP. The further investigation of NCAM/CD56 in cell membrane fraction of patients with hypertension is perspective as probable prognostic marker of clinical variant of disease development.