Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal (Jan 2014)
Lipid profile in an apparently healthy Nigerian population
Aims and Objectives : To describe the pattern of lipid profile of members of staff of a tertiary education institution in South-West Nigeria with a view to assessing risk of cardiovascular disease among them. Materials and Methods : One hundred and ninety three (193) members of staff of the Institution were involved in the study. Questionnaires were administered to obtain information on demographic characteristics and medical history of respondents. Weight, height and blood pressure of participants were measured and the Body Mass Index (BMI) calculated. Fasting plasma lipid profile parameters -Total cholesterol (TC), High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) , Low Density Lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and Triglycerides (TG)) were also determined in all the participants using standard assay methods. Results: Mean TC, HDL-C, LDL-C and TG were 4.04 mmol/L, 1.63 mmol/L, 1.98 mmol/L and 0.92 mmol/L respectively . Mean BMI was 25.98 kg/m2. Twenty-eight (14.5%) participants had mean cholesterol values e" 5.2 mM/L, 19 men had HDL values <1.0 mM/L and 28 women had HDL values < 1.3 mM/L (making a total of 24.3% of the study population). Twenty (10.4%) had LDL cholesterol e"3.3 mM/L, while 14 (7.3 %) had triglyceride valuese" 1.7 mM/L. One hundred and thirty one (67.8%) participants had values of all lipid parameters within reference range while 62 (32.8%) had abnormality in 1 or more of the parameters. Sixty two participants (32.1%) were overweight while 45 (23.3%) were obese. Statistically significant differences were found when TG and BMI levels of male participants were compared with those of their female counterparts. Abnormalities in lipid profile parameters were found mostly in participants who were 40 years and above. Age of participants correlated positively with total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels while LDL - C levels correlated negatively with HDL levels. Conclusion: A significant proportion of the population had abnormality in one or more Lipid profile parameters, the most common being low HDL cholesterol levels. A considerable number of participants were also either overweight or obese. Most of the abnormalities in lipid profile were found in participants e" 40 years. The study underscores a need to sensitise members of the community to regular lipid profile check up .