Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (Feb 1989)

: acquired resistance in mice by implantation of young irradiated worms into the portal system

  • Paulo Marcos Z. Coelho,
  • Rómulo Teixeira de Mello,
  • Carlos Alberto P. Tavares

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 31, no. 1
pp. 14 – 17


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In two distinct experiments, immature S. mansoni worms (LE strain, Belo Horizonte, Brazil), aged 20 days, obtained from the portal system of white outbred mice, were irradiated with 14 and 4 Krad, respectively. Afterwards, the worms were directly inoculated into the portal vein of normal mice. Inoculation was performed with 20 irradiated worms per animal. Fifty days after inoculation, the mice that received 4 and 14 Krad-irradiated worms and their respective controls were infected with S. mansoni cercariae (LE strain), by transcutaneous route. Twenty days after this challenge infection, the animals were sacrificed and perfused for mature irradiated (90-day-old) and immature (20-day-old) worm counts. Analysis of the results showed that statistically significant protection against cercariae occurred in both groups with irradiated worms.
