Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського (Jan 2022)
Peculiarities of using Electronic Resources of National Libraries under Military Confrontation
The article considers the problem of effective, balanced use of library funds for the preparation of thematic information, information and analytical products, oriented to the users’ orders and corporate groups for use in practical activities, in research projects, in educational and practical work. New information products must use the content of national information resources in orders for their application in the practice of public activity. This is especially important during the informational and "hot" phase of the war, as it happens today during the Russian-Ukrainian so-called military special operation. In the library products of this period, the use of information resources that reflect the indigenous ethno-mental outlook of the Ukrainian people is particularly important. It is also important to use the results of the most significant achievements of different generations of our citizens, and especially the scientific and informational achievements of the last decades. All these materials, as well as appropriate borrowing of foreign information products, innovative information resources useful for national development, should become a guide for the production of new information, scientific and information products, which Ukrainian society requires in modern conditions. Balanced, thoughtful use of the entire volume of Ukrainian library collections, along with the improvement of modern information creation, will contribute to the effective preservation of mental stability in the functioning of public institutions, productive information activity of citizens under conditions of difficult current challenges which the Ukrainian people faced.