Politeja (Jun 2023)

Wpływ stosowania form demokracji bezpośredniej oraz zasady federalizmu na kształt polityki imigracyjnej i integracyjnej Szwajcarii

  • Aleksandra Matykiewicz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 1(82)


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THE INFLUENCE OF USING FORMS OF DIRECT DEMOCRACY AND THE PRINCIPLE OF FEDERALISM ON THE SHAPE OF SWISS IMMIGRATION AND INTEGRATION POLICY Switzerland’s migration policy today is the result of international commitments, the needs of the labor market and an aging society, as well as the fears of some Swiss people about the influx of foreigners. Despite the restrictive immigration policy, 39.5% of permanent residents of Switzerland are immigrants or descendants of immigrants in the first generation. Such a state requires measures to integrate newcomers with the host society. The aim of the article is to show to what extent Switzerland’s immigration and integration policy is dependent on the political solutions characteristic of this country – often used forms of direct democracy, such as referendum or popular legislative initiative, and the strong position of the cantons.
