Ri-vista: Ricerche per la Progettazione del Paesaggio (Nov 2015)
Nuovamente la Biennale di Paesaggio di Barcellona. Dialogo con Jordi Bellmunt
First reflections on the fourth Biennal of Landscape Architecture, after few days from the end of the meeting, in a dialogue with Jordi Bellmunt ,director of the Master Programme in Landscape Architecture and member of the Biennal Esecutive Committee. These considerations are anticipated by a brief history of the event. The results of Rosa Barba Prize, the projects chosen for the exposition and the finalist projects, the theme of this edition Landscape: product/production, all these things originates a reflection, by one side, on the value of research and innovation in the landscape project and, by the other side, on the importance of a spread good doing in the profession (good practices that can tent to standardization).