Аграрная наука Евро-Северо-Востока (Apr 2018)
Trends in development of air screen grain cleaners at present stage
The article provides the results of the analysis of designs and the process of work of air screen grain cleaners by leading Russian companies OAO “Zernoochistka”, OAO “Melinvest”, OAO “Voronezhselmash”, “Romax” plant, OOO “Oskolselmash “, FSUE North-East, “Tekhnograd” enterprise (Perm Krai), FSAC VIM, FARC North-East; and foreign companies “Petkus”, “Happle”, “Buhler”(Germany), “Denis”(France), “Westrup”, “Qmbria” (Denmark), “Buhler Scmidt-Seeger” (Switzerland). The main directions of improving grain cleaners are increased productivity up to 200 - 250 t / h and more, improved quality of grain cleaning, extended functional capabilities, reduced energy and metal consumption. Increased productivity is achieved by enlarged width of the working part and of the area of grading and seed sieves, by raising the fan performance and applying cleaning with division into fractions by fly speed and particle size. Improving the quality of grain cleaning is provided by improving the process and working bodies, application of cross-flow fans and feed devices of the active type, use of pneumatic separating channels of preliminary and main cleaning. Expansion of functionality is provided by the creation of grain cleaning machines for operation in the pre-and primary treatment modes of cleaning, primary and secondary treatment modes, universal grain cleaning machines for preliminary, primary and secondary cleaning. Gravity air screen cleaners, grain cleaners with closed and closed-open air systems with integral cross-flow fans and inertial dust collectors have low energy and metal consumption. The results of the study can be useful for researchers and designers in the development of new grain cleaning machines.