Folklor/Edebiyat (May 2022)
Heritage of Lace The Inheritance Journey of Nallıhan Needle Lace / Oyanın Mirası Nallıhan İğne Oyasının Miras Olma Serüveni
This article is about Nallıhan needle lace as a cultural element. The problem examined in this article is how Nallıhan needle lace, which is not directly included in the official heritage list, is turned into a heritage element and a valuable commercial product by tradition bearers and various professionals. Needle lace, which is a kind of knitting made with needles, has been an important part of traditional clothing and decoration from past to present. However, it is observed that there is a change in needle lace depending on the changes in the social and economic structure. In order to understand this change, we approached Nallıhan needle lace within the framework of a triple cultural form model consisting of innovation, normative culture (habitus/ normative culture) and cultural heritage. In this context, in the process that moves needle lace from a pre-heritage cultural form to being labeled as a heritage; we discussed and described the lace in terms of the actors, meaning, value and function attributed to the embroidery, the policies, practices, the consciousness and awareness of the heritage as well as the changes in the cultural and social structure. We obtained a significant part of the data used in the article through field work. The current Covid-19 pandemic has led to hybridization in our research techniques. For this reason, we held our inteviews in Ankara and Nallıhan between 2020-2021, sometimes face to-face and sometimes over the phone. As a result, we have determined that Nallıhan needle lace has risen from normative culture to cultural heritage level with high awareness, that tourism especially functions as a tool in this process and it is important to redesign needle lace with a creative/entrepreneurial perspective.