Investigações em Ensino de Ciências (Dec 2017)
Identifying the conceptual evolution in the electromagnetism teaching, through a UEPS based on an automotive sound system generator of energy
In this study we present the proposal of a Potentially Significant Teaching Unit (UEPS) for the teaching of electromagnetism from an electric circuit capable of transforming the sound energy emitted by the loudspeaker into electric energy to recharge the battery. This circuit was considered significant to present the relations between the concepts worked, for example, electric current and electromagnetic induction with the operation of speakers and microphones. For this purpose, academics of the Graduation Course in Natural Sciences (UNIPAMPA - Uruguaiana / RS) proposed to elaborate, implement and evaluate a UEPS to teach concepts of electromagnetism for secundary-schooll students, based on the use of the electric circuit that has shown to be an instrument that provokes the motivation of the learner, one of the necessary conditions for the meaningful learning to occur. At the end of the UEPS, the motivation on the part of the academics responsible for teaching with theoretical foundations based on the constructivist theory of Ausubel, as well as on the part of the students of high school through the predisposition to learn, evidenced throughout the meetings was notorious. The results obtained in the present study compare the advances, setbacks and stagnations of the participating students in relation to the evidences of meaningful learning indicated through the answers given by the students to the beginning and the end of the meetings. The data indicate that the conceptual evolution is due to the planning and application of the UEPS, which sought to constantly observe the sequential organization of the contents to be developed, in a manner consistent with the dependency relations that naturally exist between them. In addition to the organization of the contents foreseen in the planning of the UEPS, each meeting was considered prior knowledge of the student, as well as the presence of subsumes in their cognitive structure to enable the anchoring of new knowledge. It is reiterated that the fruits results obtained are in accordance with the principles of Ausubel's psychological theory, that in order to facilitate meaningful learning one must take into account: the student's previous knowledge, the predisposition to learn and that the material presented must be potentially significant.