Вісник Уманського національного університету садівництва (May 2020)
The article presents the study results of sowing properties formation (laboratory germination, germination energy) of sugar sorghum grain depending on the variety, storage duration and processing by growth regulators (Azotophyt, Emistim C, Poteitin, Organic balance, Growth concentrate, BTU Biocomplex, Biohumus). It is established that the sowing properties of sugar sorghum of the studied varieties are low even for short storage. The highest laboratory germination was found in grains of 1–2 years of storage, irrespective of variety and treatment. Laboratory germination after 1 year of storage is 80–81 %. With the extention of storage period, this indicator decreased significantly. Provided that Medovyi variety grain was not treated, laboratory germination decreased to 27 % or by 67 % after 10 years compared to the first year of storage; Nectarnyi variety – up to 25 % or by 69 %; Sylosnyi 42 variety – up to 22 % or by 73 %. After one year of storage, germination energy of Honey variety was 67 %, Nectarnyi variety – 62 % and Sylosnyi 42 variety – 61 %. It should be noted that after the second and third year of storage, germination energy decreased only by 6–10 % compared to the first year. However, storage period extension provoked germination energy to decline significantly. This indicator was the lowest after ten years of storage – 13–21 % or by 68–79 % compared to the first year.Laboratory germination is most influenced by the use of growth regulators such as Biohumus, BTU Biocomplex and Emistim C. The use of these preparations increases it up to 81–86 %. Laboratory germination of ≥ 50 % is ensured by the storage of sugar sorghum grain for six years, regardless of treatment. Emistim C most enhances laboratory germination after prolonged grain storage – 37–45 % versus 22–27 % in the untreated version. The energy of sorghum grain germination is low - 61-67 %, depending on the variety without grain treatment. The greatest influence on grain germination has the use of Growth Concentrate, BTU Biocomplex and Biohumus preparations on grain after three-year-storage.It is optimal for the production of sugar sorghum seeds to use Medovyi variety, which has the highest sowing properties with grain treatment by Emistim C growth regulator. Laboratory germination is 45–85 %, germination energy – 15–69 % depending on the duration of storage.