Общая реаниматология (Jan 2017)
Nanostructure of Human Aortic Intima in Atherosclerosis (A Pilot Study)
Objective: to analyze the nanostructure of human aortic intima in atherosclerosis and demonstrate the poten tial effect of Niodex on cholesterol plaques.Materials and methods. Samples of intima were taken from those parts of aorta, where different stages of atherosclerotic chages were obvious. Aortic samples were incubated in a solution containing cyclodextrins. A solution of NIODEX, a propylene glycol ester of betacyclodextrin, was used in the study. A layer of aortic intima was formed on the glass slide surface with polylysine. The samples were placed into the working area of an atomicforce microscope (Integra Prima, NTMDT, Russian Federation), and their surfaces were scanned. The number of imaging points was 512; and the imaging regions were as follows: 100100 μm, 20002000 nm.Results. Classification of nanosurface objects was performed and typical fragments (craters, ridges, and trabecular fibers) were identified, and quantitative assessment of their sizes was carried out. 27 fragments were identified as growing cholesterol plaques. 16 of them measuring 900—1200 nm were identified near ridges, and 11 near craters (600—1050 nm). Niodex caused destruction of lipid spots and smoothing of the intima surface. More than a half of the 27 identified objects (15) demostrated a 30% and more decrease in size (median 340—400 nm). A 10—15% decrease was registered in 7 fragments; in the remaining 5 fragments, the decrease in the lesion size was less than 10%.Conclusion. Raw data permit to suppose that the effect of Niodex on the aortic intima results in decceleartion and decreased intensity of atherosclerotic plaque growth on the intima fragments.