Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Pendidikan (May 2022)

Aplikasi Gamifikasi Peralatan Konstruksi untuk Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh pada Masa Pandemi

  • Febri Fahmi Hakim,
  • Eko Kusumo Friatmojo,
  • Galih Adya Taurano,
  • Hendra Adi Wijaya

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 1
pp. 61 – 76


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Penerapan gamifikasi pendidikan adalah salah satu solusi yang secara umum telah diterapkan pada konteks keadaan normal (non-pandemi). Dalam penelitian ini penerapan solusi gamifikasi diuji sebagai alternatif pendekatan pembelajaran praktik pada institusi pendidikan vokasi dalam masa pandemi. Perangkat interaksi berupa purwarupa aplikasi web gamifikasi peralatan konstruksi dibuat dan diujicobakan kepada 82 mahasiswa Politeknik Pekerjaan Umum yang telah mendapatkan mata kuliah Peralatan Konstruksi. Instrumen ukur dikembangkan dengan skala Likert 7-poin untuk mengukur manfaat gamifikasi terhadap motivasi belajar. Hasil uji validitas butir menunjukkan 33 dari 34 butir dalam instrumen valid untuk digunakan (r-hitung r-tabel=0.244), sedangkan hasil uji reliabilitas terhadap 7 (tujuh) dimensi instrumen ukur penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 6 (enam) dimensi reliable untuk digunakan dalam instrumen ukur penelitian (Alpha Cronbach ≥ 0.6 yaitu Interest/Enjoyment=0.823, Perceived Competence=0.804, Pressure/Tension=0.737, Value/Usefullness=0.812, dan Outcome=0.785). The application of educational gamification is a solution that has generally been applied in the context of normal (non-pandemic) circumstances. In this study, the application of gamification solutions was tested as an alternative approach to practical learning in vocational education during the pandemic. An interaction device in the form of a gamification web application prototype for construction equipment was made and tested on 82 Polytechnic of Public Works students who had received the Construction Equipment course. The measuring instrument was developed with a 7-point Likert scale to measure the benefits of gamification on learning motivation. The results of the item validity test show that 33 of the 34 items in the instrument are valid to use (r-count r-table=0.244), while the results of the reliability test on 7 (seven) dimensions of the research measuring instrument show that 6 (six) dimensions are reliable to be used in research measuring instrument (Cronbach's Alpha ≥ 0.6, namely Interest/Enjoyment=0.823, Perceived Competence=0.804, Pressure/Tension=0.737, Value/Usefullness=0.812, and Outcome=0.785).
