Forum: Qualitative Social Research (Sep 2007)

Review Essay: In Search for Criteria: The State of Qualitative Media Research

  • Peter Hilger

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 3


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This useful handbook introduces the present state of qualitative methodology in German media research. While its formal focus is on media, it covers many aspects which are of general interest. The chapters are short and provide useful examples of the application of different methods. The book proceeds from theory via data collection to analysis and meta-methodological reflections. In some chapters, it is not always clear whether data collection or analysis is the focus. The book also indicates three desiderata of qualitative methodology today: 1. the logics of sampling are often neglected; 2. the process of analysis beyond structuring the material is not sufficiently clear; and 3. comprehensive criteria for the validity of qualitative research are still lacking. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs070373
