VertigO (May 2020)
Comment vivre avec des conflits d’usages au sein d’un espace naturel protégé exposé à des risques littoraux ?
This article proposes an analysis of the production of land-use conflicts between interested party in the management of a coastal area exposed to coastal risks along the North Sea coast, in the Hauts de France Region. The Platier d'Oye, a reclaimed coastal area at the beginning of the 20th century, is the object of successive logics of appropriation and of coastal dynamics which have contributed to the development of conflicts between the stakeholders. The article analyzes in a first part these different logics which contributed to the development of this coastal territory with first an urbanized space, then a protected nature area and a coastal area at risk. The article focuses on the analysis of the emergence of conflicts of uses in this coastal territory in connection with the development of coastal risks and the protection of natural heritage. The second part of the article proposes an original analysis of usage conflicts linked to the management of tourist and resident attendance and conflicts related to the risks of coastal erosion and marine flooding. The data collected and the analyses mobilized in this paper are based on the research project "Co-construction of adaptation strategies to climate change in the Opal Coast" (COSACO) supported by the program "Coasts for tomorrow?" of the Fondation de France.