Journal of Research in Education Sciences (Mar 2021)
高中科學班畢業生之追蹤研究:大學學習表現與生涯發展之探討 Follow-Up Study on College Learning Performance and Career Development of Science Class Graduates
本研究旨在追蹤調查高中就讀科學班的學生,探討其進入大學後的學習表現與其生涯發展情形,同時調查數理資優班與普通班自然組的畢業學生,以比較不同班型與有無特殊表現學生間的差異。本研究利用普查方式調查2012~2015年畢業四屆九校科學班學生,總計750人,回收454份,回收率達60.5%。數理資優班與普通班自然組分別回收346份與727份問卷,回收率為31.7%與56.8%。自編問卷內容包括課業學習、活動參與和大學學習情形,以及生涯發展之調查。研究結果發現,科學班學生進入大學後在學業表現和學術活動參與上表現良好,且未來以希望取得博士學位者居多。無論在同儕互動與資源、主動提問與探究,以及自主學 習與反思等大學學習與能力提升上,科學班或數理資優班學生均顯著優於普通班自然組畢業生;科學班與數理資優班學生之生涯計畫與準備也較普通班自然組學生更為積極肯定。然而,在非學術性活動參與上,科學班與其他兩組畢業生並沒有差異,亦即科學班學生並未因投入學術活動而忽略服務與休閒活動的參與。三組學生未來想從事的職業均以工程領域與醫學居多。具特殊表現的科學班畢業生有較佳的學業表現,以及較高的生涯期望與抱負。最後,本研究對後續研究方向與科學班學生的生涯輔導提出相關建議,以供參考。 This study followed up on the experiences of science class graduates in their college learning and career development and investigated to the extent to which their experiences differed from those who enrolled in math- and science-gifted programs or regular classes focusing on science during high school. A survey research was conducted with all science class graduates from 2012 to 2015 (N= 750) as well as their peers from math- and science-gifted programs and regular classes focusing on science. The response rates for science classes, math- and science-gifted programs, and regular classes focusing on science were 60.5% (N = 454), 31.7% (N = 346), and 56.8% (N = 727), respectively. The questionnaire contained items regarding academic performance, academic and nonacademic activity participation, in-class performance, and career development. The main results were as follows: (1) Compared to their peers, science class graduates exhibited higher academic performance and more academic activity participation, with most of them planning to pursue a doctoral degree. (2) Compared with their regular class peers, both science class graduates and mathand science-gifted program graduates demonstrated higher in-class performance and better career development. (3) No between-group differences were observed in participation in nonacademic activities-indicating that science class graduates could successfully balance their academic and leisure time. (4) All the three groups hoped to pursue a career in engineering or medicine. (5) Science class graduates who received science awards during high school exhibited higher academic performance and career aspirations. The current results have several implications for future research and career counseling for science class students.