Nordicum-Mediterraneum (Mar 2014)
Framlag Mikaels M. Karlssonar til heimspeki á Íslandi og til Háskólans á Akureyri
Mikael M. Karlsson, Professor of philosophy at the University of Iceland, has left a deep mark in the history of philosophy in Iceland as well as the history of the University of Akureyri. As a teacher of philosophy, he has for 40 years opened new paths for his students, both in thought and action. As a scholar, he has written a good number of outstanding works that are systematically connected. As an academic citizen, he has been active in establishing international relations, and he was an effective pioneer and leader as the first Dean of the Faculty of law and social sciences at the University of Akureyri. In that role, he laid the foundation for a vibrant academic community with an international flavor.