Jurnal Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan (Dec 2022)

Karakteristik Nori Campuran Rumput Laut Ulva sp. dan Gracilaria sp. yang Diproses dengan Metode Casting

  • Dina Fransiska,
  • Nurhayati Nurhayati,
  • Ellya Sinurat,
  • Subaryono Subaryono,
  • Bagus Sediadi Bandol Utomo,
  • Rinta Kusumawati,
  • Sihono Sihono

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 2
pp. 99 – 110


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Produk nori saat ini cukup diminati konsumen, namun rumput laut Phorphyra sebagai bahan baku nori merupakan jenis rumput laut yang ketersediaannya terbatas. Untuk itu diperlukan teknologi pengolahan nori yang bahan bakunya ada di Indonesia, antara lain Ulva sp. dan Gracilaria sp. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisik dan kimia nori yang dibuat dari campuran rumput laut Ulva sp. dan Gracilaria sp. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan nori menggunakan rumput laut Ulva sp. dan Gracilaria sp. dengan rasio sebesar 100:0; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75; 0:100 (b/b) melalui metode casting. Parameter yang diamati yaitu karakteristik fisik (ketebalan, kekerasan, dan warna) dan karakteristik kimia (kadar air, abu, lemak, protein, serat pangan, dan total karbohidrat). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik nori yang dihasilkan berbeda nyata antar perlakuan. Perlakuan terbaik pada penelitian ini yaitu nori dengan rasio Ulva sp. dan Gracilaria sp. 100:0 b/b, walaupun kualitasnya masih di bawah nori komersial. Nori tersebut memiliki ketebalan 0,62 mm, parameter warna (L 31,59; a* -1,11; b* 15,51), kekerasan 595,06 g, kadar air 8,63%, abu 23,47%, lemak 10,64%, protein 9,34%, total karbohidrat 47,91%, dan serat pangan 28,20%. Abstract Nori Product become more popular recently, however, the availability of Porphyra as raw material for nori is very limited in Indonesia. For this reason, nori processing technology using seaweeds other than Porphyra such as Ulva sp. and Gracilaria sp. is required. The objective of this experiment is to evaluate the physico-chemical characteristics of nori which was processed from Ulva sp. and Gracilaria sp. seaweeds. In this experiment, the proportions of Ulva sp. and Gracilaria sp. for nori processing were 100:0; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75; 0:100 (w/w) using casting method. The parameters used to evaluate the physical characteristics were thickness, colour, and hardness, while the chemical parameters were moisture, ash, fat, protein, dietary fiber, and total carbohydrate. The results showed that the characteristics of the processed nori were different significantly between samples. The best treatment was gained from ratio of Ulva sp. and Gracilaria sp. in a proportion of 100:0 w/w. The quality of the product, however, was still lower than commercial nori, with the characteristics as follows: thickness 0.62 mm, colour (L 31.59; a* -1.11, b* 15.51), hardness 595.06 g, moisture content 8.63%, ash 23.47%, fat 10.64%, protein 9.34%, total carbohydrate 47.91%, and dietary fibre 28.20%
