Journal of Asthma and Allergy (Apr 2022)

Use of Biologic Therapies in the Treatment of Asthma – A Comparative Real World Data Analysis on Healthcare Resource Utilization and Costs Before and After Therapy Initiation

  • Hardtstock F,
  • Krieger J,
  • Wilke T,
  • Lukas M,
  • Ultsch B,
  • Welte R,
  • Quinzler R,
  • Maywald U,
  • Timmermann H

Journal volume & issue
Vol. Volume 15
pp. 407 – 418


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Fraence Hardtstock,1 Julia Krieger,1 Thomas Wilke,1 Marco Lukas,2 Bernhard Ultsch,2 Robert Welte,2 Renate Quinzler,3 Ulf Maywald,4 Hartmut Timmermann5 1IPAM e.V, Wismar, Germany; 2GlaxoSmithKline GmbH & Co. KG, München, Germany; 3AOK Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany; 4AOK PLUS, Dresden, Germany; 5Schwerpunktpraxis Colonnaden, Hamburg, GermanyCorrespondence: Fraence Hardtstock, Email [email protected]: Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in Germany. While many patients achieve asthma control under standard therapies, some patients still experience exacerbations and persistent airway obstructions. Thus, further pharmacological treatment is needed, and biologics could fill this gap, as they have shown clinical benefit in patients with severe asthma. Therefore, this real-world study aimed to compare healthcare resource utilization (HCRU) and associated costs before and after biologic therapy initiation.Methods: A retrospective claims data analysis has been conducted on adult asthma patients who initiated a long-term biologic therapy between January 2015 and June 2018. Patients were therapy-naïve to biologics for at least 12 months. HCRU and cost incurred by patients during 12 months before and after therapy initiation were compared.Results: Overall, 571 asthma patients initiated a biologic therapy during the observational period (316 omalizumab, 232 mepolizumab, 16 benralizumab, and 7 reslizumab). Patients had a mean age of 54.86 (62.70% female), and the majority (93.70%) received at least one follow-up prescription of their index-biologic agent within one year. During baseline, patients received on average 2.75 OCS prescriptions compared to 2.17 during follow-up. Most patients received less or the same amount of OCS after therapy initiation. Moreover, hospitalizations and asthma-related sick leave days decreased significantly. The average total costs per patient were € 6618.90 during baseline and € 22,832.33 during follow-up. Biologics mainly drove the increase; however, hospitalization costs were reduced significantly (€ 2443.37 vs € 1941.93; p< 0.001).Conclusion: Our study demonstrates an improved asthma control due to the initiation of a biologic therapy in terms of decreased hospitalization frequency, OCS consumption, and sick leave days. However, biologics are associated with high costs for healthcare providers during the first year after initiation. Therefore, short- and long-term clinical benefits and financial burden must be considered in the overall context of healthcare.Keywords: biologics, treatment pattern, claims data, real-world evidence, Germany
