Медицинский совет (Dec 2016)
Current aspects of prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency disorders. Focus on risk groups
Summary: Natural iodine deficiency affects around 2 billion people worldwide. It is known that insufficient intake of iodine is especially dangerous at the stage of fetal development and early childhood. Changes caused by iodine deficiency in these periods of life bring about irreversible defects in the intellectual and physical development of children. A dramatic outcome of chronic iodine deficiency during fetal development and early childhood is mental disability. The urgency and procedure for iodine prophylaxis in pregnant and lactating women are defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Council for the Control of IDD (ICCIDD). Pregnant and lactating women are referred to the group of absolute risk for developing IDD. WHO recommends to administer potassium iodide to pregnant and breastfeeding women residing in the areas of iodine deficiency. The Order of the Russian Ministry of Health defined the list of essential drugs for women during pregnancy and the postpartum period which also includes potassium iodide medications. Russian guidelines for the level of iodine intake by pregnant and nursing women conform to the WHO recommendations. Federal standards of care for pregnant women stipulate prescription of potassium iodide medications.