Гуманитарные и юридические исследования (Nov 2022)
Socio-economic factors of urban planning development in the Stavropol province in the epoch of capitalist modernization
The author believes that urban construction in Russian regions, including in the Stavropol province, was closely related to the need for a fundamental modernization of an economic system based on feudal order and an accelerated transition to the path of capitalist development. The cities have a leading role in the development of production potential on the territories and in the managerial provision of the production process on a market basis. In the Stavropol region large villages, the county centers, performed the functions of cities. The percentage of rural residents in the province was higher than the average for Russia. At the same time, the increase in the urban population outstripped the increase in the number of rural residents. An increase in the level of socio-economic development of the Stavropol region was facilitated by the implementation of the resettlement policy. The development of cities in the Stavropol province was significantly influenced by the interest of representatives of the central government in the socio-economic and cultural development of the region, as well as in creating an attractive image of the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, and the active participation of private capital in this process. An important role in the improvement and creation of an aesthetic architectural form of the resort infrastructure on the CMS was played by the resource factor, thanks to which the balneological potential of the region was widely recognized in the country. As a result, since the end of the 19th century, city authorities have been able to coordinate urban development plans, the choice of the architectural appearance of infrastructure facilities with the level of socio-economic development and the position of urban and rural communities. The author expresses the opinion that due to the timely adopted measures from the central and local authorities they successfully coped with the task and largely contributed to the creation of a socio-economic basis for the formation in the region of agrarian-industrial capitalism. The study highlights the features of the formation of material culture and the architectural appearance of the provincial capital, resort towns, provincial towns and villages of county centers during the spread of modernist trends in architecture, due to which by the end of the study period they acquired a convenient layout of urban space and aesthetic appearance.