Tushuguanxue yu Zixun Kexue (Sep 2013)

Usability Test for a Digital Archival System in Taiwan: A Case of the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) Information System 數位典藏資訊網易用性評估:以人文社會科學相關領域中綱計畫成果資訊網為例

  • 林巧敏、范維媛 Chiao-Min Lin, Wei-Yuan Fan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 39, no. 1


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With the advent of the Internet there is now growing expectation of end users to be able have more immediate and functional access to digital archive system. Digitization system affords an opportunity to make collections much more broadly available and save users’ time, but the content and the design of system interface are a vital influence on system satisfaction of end users. The paper focuses on a case study of usability testing done on the Information System for Humanity and Social Science Projects (HSS), a digital archive of research reports, conference papers, books, photographs, audio-visual materials from HSS of The Ministry of Education. Task-based usability testing and questionnaires were taken to capture users’ access behavior and analyze the user’s opinions. According to the result, the color of function zones, the browse of material categories, the download of search results and the integrated search function need to improve. This paper details a survey on the procedure of usability testing and obtains users’ perspectives of the system. As the result, conclusions and suggestions will be proposed for improving the system interface design. pp. 49-68隨著資訊網路技術之進步,終端使用者對於數位典藏系統之檢索功能與服務期許與日俱增,數位典藏系統有助於資訊廣泛傳播並節省使用者時間,但系統內容與介面設計之良莠,深深影響使用者對於系統的滿意程度。本研究以「人文社會科學相關領域中綱計畫成果資訊網」為例,進行系統易用性評估,該系統收錄教育部推動人文社會科學領域中綱計畫所有產出之研究報告、會議論文、圖書、照片與活動影音記錄等。研究進行任務取向之系統評估,藉由使用者操作系統之實測觀察過程,分析使用者檢索歷程與操作問題,再輔以問卷方式,探知使用者對於操作系統之滿意度。分析結果發現首頁版面功能顏色區隔不清、資料類型瀏覽分類標示不明顯、檢索結果下載標示不明顯、整合查詢功能說明不足等系統介面設計問題。本文主要描述進行系統易用性實測的經驗,並探究使用者對於系統的看法,最終歸納結果與建議,提供系統介面設計改善之參考。頁46-63
