Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (Apr 2007)

Efeito de substratos porosos no enraizamento in vitro do porta-enxerto de macieira M-9 (Malus pumilla) Effect of porous substrates in vitro rooting of M-9 apple rootstock (Malus pumilla)

  • Renato Luíz Vieira,
  • Gabriel Berenhauser Leite,
  • Anderson Fernando Wamser

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 29, no. 1
pp. 128 – 132


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O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de substratos no enraizamento in vitro do porta-enxerto de macieira M-9. Foram testados três substratos: ágar, vermiculita (nº 2, granulometria média) e cinza vegetal, como suporte físico no enraizamento das miniestacas. Para os tratamento com vermiculita e cinza vegetal, meio nutritivo MS, reduzido à metade da concentração, foi adicionado em frascos de vidro de 250 mL contendo 15 g dos respectivos substratos. Brotações de 2,5 a 3,0 cm de comprimento, com dois pares de folhas, foram transferidas para os frascos, os quais foram mantidos durante 35 dias em sala de crescimento com temperatura de 25 ±1,5ºC, fotoperíodo de 16 horas e intensidade luminosa de 75 µmol.m-2.s-1. As maiores percentagens de enraizamento (88,4 e 87,9%) foram observadas nos tratamentos com vermiculita e cinza vegetal, respectivamente. Após a avaliação do enraizamento, as plantas foram transferidas para bandejas de isopor alveoladas com 128 células e mantidas por 40 dias em casa de vegetação. A maior taxa de sobrevivência de plantas aclimatizadas (93,5%) foi obtida com as miniestacas produzidas em meio contendo vermiculita.the present work was carried out with the objective to evaluate the effect of substrates in the rooting in vitro of the M-9 apple rootstock. Three substrates were tested: ágar, vermiculite (number 2, medium granulometry) and vegetal ash as physical support in the rooting of the shoots. For the treatment with vermiculite and vegetal ash, MS medium nutritive, with half of the concentration, was added in glass bottles of 250 mL with 15g of respective substrates. The shoots of 2,5 to 3,0 cm of length and two pair of leaves had been transferred to the bottles. After the inoculation the bottles were kept during 35 days in a growing chamber, at 25 ±1ºC, for a 16 hour photoperiod with light intensity of 75 µmol.m-2.s-1. The higher percentages of rooting (88,4 and 87,9%) were observed for the treatments with vermiculite and vegetal ash, respectively. The number of roots per shoot was not affected by the applied treatments. After the evaluation of the rooting, the plants were transferred to a greenhouse for 40 days, in isopor alveolated containers with 128 cells. For the survival of the acclimatized plants the best treatment was vermiculite (93,5%).
