Coluna/Columna (Jan 2011)

Padrão de acometimento da coluna cervical na artrite reumatoide: seguimento de 6 anos Cuadro de afectación de la columna cervical en la artritis reumatoidea: seguimiento de 6 años Pattern of involvement of the cervical column in rheumatoid arthritis: a 6 year follow up

  • Aurélio Felipe Arantes,
  • André Luiz Passos Cardoso,
  • Murilo Tavares Daher,
  • Newton Antônio Tristão,
  • Wilson Eloy Pimenta Júnior,
  • Nilzio Antonio da Silva,
  • Sérgio Daher

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 4
pp. 309 – 313


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OBJETIVOS: Foi avaliado o padrão de acometimento cervical em pacientes com diagnóstico de artrite reumatoide, correlacionando-se os achados de imagem com quadro neurológico, medicação utilizada, tempo de evolução da doença, idade de início da doença, exames laboratoriais e quadro clínico. MÉTODOS: Esse mesmo grupo de pacientes tinha sido estudado há 6 anos, e esses dados foram comparados para avaliar se houve piora do padrão de acometimento ao longo do tempo. Foram feitas radiografias simples da coluna cervical, nas incidências ântero-posterior, perfil neutro e dinâmico. A classificação de Ranawat foi utilizada para avaliar a sintomatologia dolorosa e o envolvimento neurológico. Foram utilizados os testes de regressão logística univariada (p OBJETIVOS: Fue evaluado el cuadrode afectación cervical en pacientes con diagnóstico de artritis reumatoidea, correlacionando los hallazgos de imagen con cuadro neurológico, medicación utilizada, tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad, edad del paciente alinicio de la enfermedad, exámenes de laboratorio y cuadro clínico. MÉTODOS: Ese mismo grupo de pacientes había sido estudiado 6 años antes, y esos datos recolectados fueron comparados para evaluar si hubo un empeoramiento del cuadrode afectacióna lo largo del tiempo. Se hicieron radiografías simples de la columna cervical, en las incidencias antero posterior, perfil neutro y dinámico. La clasificación de Ranawat fue utilizada para evaluar la sintomatología dolorosa y la involucración neurológica. Se utilizaron las pruebas de regresión logística univariada (pOBJECTIVE: The long-term pattern of cervical involvement in patients with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis was investigated, correlating the imaging findings with neurological symptoms, medication used, duration of the disease, age of onset, laboratory tests and clinical picture. METHODS: This same group of patients had already been studied for some time, and data were compared to verify if there was a worsening of the involvement pattern throughout time. Plain X-rays were obtained from the cervical column, in anteroposterior and neutral and dynamic lateral views. The Ranawat classification was used to evaluate pain symptoms and neurological involvement. For the analysis, the authors used the univariate logistic regression tests (p<0.05). RESULTS: Twenty-four of the 35 patients from the previous sample were evaluated and seven were lost to follow up. The authors found some statistically significant correlations: bicipital reflex (p=0.049) and the Ranawat method (p=0.023 with extension X-ray and p=0.034 with a neutral X-ray) with a stable column, erosion of the dens axis (p=0.048) and lateral subluxation (p=0.22) with atlanto-axial instability and the Lhermitte signal (p=0.025) with basilar invagination. Cervical instability was found in 66.6% (16/24) of the patients, and there was a significant statistical increase of the subaxial instability for the past 6 years (p=0.032). CONCLUSIONS: In a decreasing order of occurrence, the authors were able to verify the following types of instability: atlanto-axial subluxation, 50%; subaxial subluxation, 41.6%; and basilar invagination, 16.6%. An increase in the number of patients with subaxial instability was verified, and no correlation was observed regarding the age of onset. Additionally, no correlation was found between the bicipital reflex and any type of instability but rather with a stable column, and this result is different from what the authors obtained in the previous series.
