Między Oryginałem a Przekładem (Sep 2024)
„Po raz pierwszy zobaczyła kogoś równie czarnego jak ona” – inkluzywność w przekładzie intralingwalnym baśni (na przykładzie wybranych opowiadań ze zbioru Piękno i bestie. Niebezpieczne baśnie Somana Chainaniego)
“IT IS THE FIRST TIME SHE’S SEEN ANYONE AS BLACK AS HER” – INCLUSIVENESS IN THE INTRALINGUAL TRANSLATION OF FAIRY TALES (BASED ON THE EXAMPLE OF SELECTED STORIES FROM THE COLLECTION BEASTS AND BEAUTY: DANGEROUS TALES BY SOMAN CHAINANI) The article analyses the refractions introduced in the retellings (intralingual translation) of fairy tales from Beasts and Beauty: Dangerous Tales by Soman Chainani. These transformations have their source in cultural translation and concern broadly understood inclusivity (e.g. change of skin colour, biological sex and sexual orientation, deconstruction of hegemonic masculinity). Possible sources of the introduced modifications were also indicated (an attempt to expand the recipient circle, representation of previously excluded minorities, but also the desire to stir emotions).