Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding (Dec 2020)

A new high yielding, charcoal rot and yellow mosaic virus disease resistant soybean variety AMS-1001 (PDKV Yellow Gold)

  • S. S. Nichal, P. V. Patil, G. D. Chandankar, M. S. Dandge, Y. V. Ingle, S. S. Munje and H. H. Dikey

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 4
pp. 1001 – 1006


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Soybean variety AMS-1001 is an induced mutant of JS-93-05. In multilocation trials AMS-1001 has recorded yield increase over state check MAUS-71 by 24.17% and national check JS-335 by 20.58%. In state multilocation trials AMS-1001 has recorded 36.01%, 30.58% and 33.82% increase yield over JS-335, JS-97-52 and MAUS-71, respectively. AMS-1001 has also given 23.90% higher seed yield over check variety JS-335, in adaptive trials on farmer’s field. This culture has shown highly resistant reaction to charcoal-rot and YMV diseases. It has medium maturity duration, determinate growth habit, purple flower, glabrous pods/stem with pointed ovate dark green leaves. AMS-1001 differentiated from other soybean varieties using molecular markers and primer Glysatt-180 was found specific to the sample AMS-1001 and can be used for its identification. Considering its yield superiority and resistance diseases the SVRC has released this culture as AMS-1001 (PDKV Yellow Gold) for Maharashtra state. The national identity of this variety is IC 626343.
