RUDN Journal of Medicine (Jun 2024)
Cartograms in oncology: analysis of the regional situation
Relevance. Over the past few years, there has been a worldwide trend towards an increase in cancer morbidity and mortality. Health officials and epidemiology researchers often use disease maps to identify potential disease groups. Cartograms are cartographic images of various territories that contain information not about the area of the occupied territory, but about a variable of interest to the reader, for example, the population or a specific disease. This tool has been used for data visualization for more than a century, but right now it is becoming increasingly popular to display patterns and directions of changes in the world around us. The introduction of cartograms into the healthcare sector is gradual, depending on the results obtained in the development of various types of cartograms. It is difficult to fully assess the importance of collecting and analyzing information about the course of cancer. However, with the improvement of this system, good results can be achieved in preventing the occurrence of oncological diseases and increasing the level of cancer care provided. The purpose of this study is to analyze existing information about cartograms used in oncology. This publication discusses issues related to the need to use cartograms in oncoepidemiology, the causes of oncology, the advantages of using cartograms to consider a variety of diseases from simply infectious to HIV and technical issues related to geographical visualization, related problems and ways to solve them. Cartograms are a tool that clearly demonstrates the changes taking place in a small area, for example, in a certain area, within a large territory, for example, an entire republic in a format that can be perceived by all users and “readers” of cartograms. Conclusion. Oncology is a disease that spreads through the population by leaps and bounds. In this regard, it is necessary to collect as much statistical data as possible for more accurate predictions of the outcome of the disease, treatment of oncology and, most importantly, the preparation of preventive measures for this disease. Digitalization of healthcare in the form of digital cartograms will undoubtedly help in this.