LingVaria (Nov 2022)

Герд Хентшель: Региональные особенности использования украинско-русской смешанной речи (суржика) и влияние диалектов: приставки и предлоги vid / ot

  • Olesya Palinska,
  • Gerd Hentschel

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 2(34)


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REGIONAL PROPERTIES IN UKRAINIAN-RUSSIAN MIXED SPEECH (SURZHYK) AND THE INFLUENCE OF DIALECTS: PREFIXES AND PREPOSITIONS VID / OT Ukrainian surzhyk is a form of mixed Ukrainian-Russian code influenced not only by standard dialects of Ukrainian and Russian, but also by Ukrainian dialects. In the analyses of the kind and intensity of the influence of Ukrainian or Russian on surzhyk, particularly problematic are the cases in which a given structural phenomenon occurs in some Ukrainian dialects and in the standard language, while in other dialects it is identical or very similar to the phenomenon occurring in Russian. Examples of such language units include the prefixes and vid / ot prepositions discussed in this article. Based on the corpus material, in this study the authors used quantitative methods to present the possibility to differentiate the basic tendencies that determine the way and scope of dialectal influences and both standard languages (Ukrainian and Russian). The main conclusion from the analyses of this linguistic phenomenon is the observation according to which a variant originating from the standard Ukrainian language is only preserved in those areas of using surzhyk in which only such variant occurs. In the regions in which both variants occur dialectally, or only the variant identical to Russian occurs, the latter is preserved. In general, it means that in Ukrainian-language areas variants of synonymical forms are reduced in the process of dialect-levelling in surzhyk as a mezolect.
