Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Jul 2016)
Tradición e innovación en la canción de folklore en Argentina. La producción de Gustavo “Cuchi” Leguizamón
This paper tackles the dynamics between tradition and innovation in the field of modern folklore through the study of the production of the musician of Salta Gustavo "Cuchi" Leguizamón. In the folklore song, the disputes and tensions between fresh impetus and conservative positions are linked with the configuration of identities, since it involves adopting a stance and identifying actors –composers, lyricists, and singers– with regards to certain conceptions of art, popular culture, and the development of the song itself, and its creative possibilities. Tension between tradition/innovation is one of the most significant ones in this field, since it coordinates multiple identity attributions, both of political and ideological nature as well as artistic. The process presented in this paper starts from the revision of the problems facing the operation of the cultural field in Salta, so that from that revision we can outline the stances the composer adopts regarding the ideas of tradition, folklore, pop culture, and art, as well as identifying the enunciatory options and strategies displayed in the composer's works.