Türk Nöroloji Dergisi (Sep 2015)
Process From Diagnosis To Treatment Of 3 SSPE Cases Presented At The Late Age
To evaluate clinical presentation, cranial imagining, and electroencephalic signs of SSPE patients, who are diagnosed with medical history, physical examination signs, EEG and CSF examinations. A total of 3 SSPE patients (mean age= 25.3 years), internalized into Department of Neurology Clinic of Medical School at Uludag University, were evaluated retrospectively. Clinical staging was performed by using Risk and Haddad’s classification. Time to SSPE diagnosis from initial symptoms was changing from 10 days to 3 months; cases applied to physician after a couple of months that their complaints were recognized. Weakening in mental capacities extracted the attention of the families. EEG examinations revealed slow baseline activity; penetrating slow discharges with high amplitudes regularly for every 8-10 seconds. While IgM for measles was negative, IgG was positive in CSF and serum samples of all cases. Valproic acid and clonazepam were given at various doses in the treatments, and all cases received isoprinosine, too. One of the cases died 13 months after the diagnosis. The other two cases are followed up. SSPE infection should be considered in central nervous system involvements of rapidly progressive, late onset adult diseases, since recently number of case reports in SSPE is increased rapidly.