Dialogica: Revistă de Studii Culturale și Literatură (Dec 2022)
The Urban Image of Cahul City in Literary Diachrony
The study synthesizes the urban images of Cahul city modeled in fiction texts, but also in literary publishing. The endogenous and exogenous artistic perceptions in diachrony are analyzed, in order to capture both the identity crisis of Cahul city and the patriarchal constant, as well as the spatial topophilia and topophobias of the writers. The author aims to shape a geocritical synthetic metadiscourse of the city of Cahul from all the literary images it has produced over time. Accumulating the diachronic literary references about the city of Cahul, it was taken into account both the “testimony” capacity of the texts, as well as the fact that the referent – urban space – and its representation are interdependent, in a dynamic and a dialectical relationship. Due to the lack of a multitude of literary texts, the historical-cultural texts, literary publishing, travel notes, epistles that focus on the modification of the image of the city of Cahul over time were also researched. Also, in order to synthesize the diachronic literary image of the Cahulean urban space, the terminological tools used and the analytical grids that determined the complex geocritical interpretation were defined: urban image, urban identity, endogenous/exogenous perception, spatial stereotype, topophilic typology, topoindifferent, topophobic.